Saturday 27 June 2015

Diary of a Church Planter 6 months on - Grateful

It has been 6 months now being in Newbury planting Bridge Church. My overwhelming feeling is one of gratitude. I am grateful that, despite the upheaval of moving, my family are doing well (now scattered in Newbury, Farnham, Camberley and London). I am grateful that we have had a good start as a new church - 75 last week. I am grateful for the fun mix of people that God has brought to us and some of the gifts and talents in those people. We can build a church. I am grateful for the support of Camberley and Commission and for friends who have come to visit. For those who have phoned, texted to cheer us on. I grateful that I live in a nice place. I am grateful I have such an adventurous wife. Grateful indeed.

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