Wednesday 12 October 2011

Prayer and Fasting

Have just back from 2 days away at Prayer and Fasting in Peterborough. 9 of us went this time from The Beacon including Bev which was a real treat. Hearing the update on Newfrontiers transition was always going to be a big draw this time around and it was helpful hearing from Dave Stroud and each of the newly appointed apostles as to how they see things shaping up. Interesting to hear of the growth of the various Together weekends and Bible Weeks. Great too to hear of how God is blessing other denominations and streams: the Anglican church through the success of Alpha: 10,000 now attending Hillsongs Church in London: Pastor Adi from Nigeria has planted 300 churches in the UK: 30,000 attending New Wine...blessing after blessing.
Amazing to hear testimony from a girl - Hannah, who was miraculously healed at Newday - she was deaf in one ear from birth, was prayed for and ...pop!
The times of worship were fabulous, especially Wednesday morning - lead by Simon Brading.
Home now. Exhausted, exhilerated, challenged.

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