Monday 10 October 2011

Money, money, money (part 1)

What an interesting week in terms of the economy worldwide and in the UK: Eurozone crisis, banks downgraded, Quantatative Easing by £75bn, Goldman Sachs losses, Tesco losses, a recession lasting years to come ...
Does The Bible have anything to say about money? Thankfully, lots. 15% of Jesus' teaching is about money - more in fact than prayer or heaven. The Bible is full of good financial sense and faith-filled giving.
Does anybody else have anything thing helpful to say about the economy in times of recession? Thankfully, yes - I read over the w\e John Pipers's sermon: What is the Recession for?
Very interesting.
One of the great money themes of The Bible is the sharing of resources:" "No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had" Acts 4:32. What resources, time, money, talent could you share with those around you?

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