Friday 25 February 2011

A Passion for God's Story

This book deserves a blog posting. This book deserves more than a blog posting. This a is a great book: A Passion for God's Story by Philip Greenslade. The sub title reads: " Discovering your place in God's strategic plan". This is no light-weight-me-centred-psychobabble-getwantyouwant Christian paperback. This is a well-written overview of the narrative of The Bible culminating in God's plan for His Son Jesus Christ and His plan for you and me. The bibliography alone is epic, the writing superb.
Greenslade likes words and good sentences. Rarely have I underlined so much in one book. I have plenty to go back over.
If you are looking for a thoughtful daily devotional to take your time over. This could be the book. To give you a flavour:
"The final question would not be: How many are your sins and how many are your sacrifices? But on which side have you stood and striven, under which king have you served or died - what is the home to which your heart returns either in repentance or in joy? Where is your heart? What is the bent or your will on the whole, the direction and service of your total life?" (page 247)

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