Friday 6 July 2018

What has happened to RE in schools?

I have learnt a lot this week: RE should be taught in schools. It is the law. Schools should have a daily act of worship, largely Christian in nature. That is the law too. I have learnt many schools flaunt the law and do not teach RE or have assemblies. Ofsted dont seem to mind. SACRE (Standing Advisory Council for RE) do a good job in trying to ask questions of schools and bring them to account. SACRE supports schools and RE teachers and this week in Berkshire launched the new Agreed Syllabus for RE 2018-2023. I have learnt there is a national shortage of RE teachers. What a great opportunity...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a shame, both my children took GCSE R.S and had christian assemblies, so I wasn’t aware some schools don’t. Yes it should be taught in all schools. If there are any that don’t, parents there should complain.