Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Mark's book review of The Ultimate Survival Guide by CVM Demolition Squad

If you like your Apologetics with a pint and a burp this book is for you. An easy read with some helpful chapters tackling the usual topics we sometimes find difficult to explain or talk about – Science, Suffering, Other Religions, Religious Wars, the Resurrection, The Bible, Hell etc. The book feels and reads very blokey, as it would coming from CVM (Christian Vision for Men). Theology-Lite and Dave TV rolled in to one. It is not afraid to tackle the hard questions and punch them on the nose. With a little more thought and some other illustrations this book could easily reach a wider market and appeal to more than those who typically watch football and the film 300. Both are talked about humorously in the book.
The section on hell I found scarily helpful and insightful, as I did the chapter on the reliability of The Bible. Answers for The Crusades and Religious Wars are thoughtfully and belligerently explored. There are some powerful and memorable quotes along the way: “Heaven is not a treat. It’s not Centre Parcs. Heaven is the undiluted presence of God”. Pow! There are some laugh out loud moments too, such as when the author wonders if Julie Andrews created the universe (best to read that page slowly)!
More rigorous editing might have eradicated some annoying little mistakes, but after reading this book you do feel strengthened in your faith, buoyed up and a little more confident in entering reasoned debate with your mates down the pub. Burp!

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