Sunday 12 April 2015

Six border check points,a wadi and a game of tennis.

I have just got back the middle east. It was a great time. The heat, the dust, the sights, sounds and smells. I enjoy it. I think having lived there growing up I feel quite at home. I enjoyed seeing what God is doing there and visiting the Newfrontiers churches. I also enjoy engaging with local Muslims and exchanging thoughts on Jesus and the Koran. For the first time, I decided to drive across one border - it turned out to have 6 check points, all thorough and polite Arabs. I always feel challenged by the pressure Christians are under in parts of the middle east. It makes me grateful and sharpens me. Apart from meetings, there was also time to scramble up a wadi which was well worth the heat for the swim at the end in turquoise waters; not only that but I managed a game of tennis with one of the church leaders outside in the heat - lovely.

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