Thursday 2 June 2011

Agony & Ecstasy (part 3)

I am reading the Psalms at the moment. They are great. There is a psalm for every emotion, every trial, every life experience - good or bad. The Psalms are refreshing in their raw emotion. I am struck reading them again how open David, the writer of some of the psalms, is about his agony and his ecstasy. In Psalm 55, for instance, he speaks of his "trouble ...anguish...fear...overwhelmed...distress" .
Most of us are familiar with v6 :"Oh, for the wings of a dove that I might fly away". (from trouble). David knows what agony, anguish, trouble and distress are like. Up close.
After making his feelings known and in so doing providing the reader with comfort and reassurance that you are not the only one who feels like running away, he then provides the hope: "Cast all your cares on the Lord and he will sustain for me, I trust in you". Ps 55:22
It's all a question of perspective.

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