Wednesday 23 March 2011

A bloody nose and a black eye.

A man came to the door of my house today. I had never met him before. He said he had marital trouble and could I help. I invited him in and an all too familiar story unfurled. He had met someone online and over recent months had developed a deep emotional relationship with her. He thought he loved her. His marriage is in trouble.
This came on the back of hearing yesterday that a friend of mine was considering leaving his wife. This came having learnt today that another friend has recently left his wife. We enjoyed a memorable holiday together in France as young families.
What a sad 24 hours. What carnage.
I am challenged to continue to share intimately with my wife. None other. To share with her and tell her things and ask her things only man and wife should.
I am reminded too of the words in proverbs which reverberate deeply into my soul:
"adultery is a brainless act, soul destroying, self-destructive. Expect a bloody nose, a black eye and a reputation ruined for good". (The Message)
The good news is that the man who came today is coming back with his wife tomorrow - they both want to save their marraige and work on their relationship and to rebuild trust. They might just make it.

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