I am doing another course. In addition to the course I am on learning how to be a better church leader I am on the Freedom In Christ Course. 50 others from the church are also on the course. Week by week we are taken through helpful scriptures and truths on a DVD - well presented by Steve Goss.Then in our small groups we talk about what we have learned.
Last week someone in my group shared how he was doing 30 minutes of homework each day re-looking at the Bible verses to make sure he had got them and understood them. I was challenged by that and decided to do the same this week. It has been great although a little surprising too how the Holy Spirit whispers in my ear and reveals things to me.
I have so enjoyed looking over and repeating verses that are packed with truth and therefore packed with power to make us free:
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free" Gal. 5:1
"We died to sin" Rom 6:2
"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" Rom 12:2
"Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom". 2. Cor.3:17
"The grace of God teaches us to say no to ungodliness" Titus 2:12
I'll keep doing my homework - it is good for me.
F.A.B. - F.I.C. www.ficm.org.uk
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