Friday, 24 September 2021

Is there a God...?

This is probably one of the big questions of life, if not the biggest question - Is there a God? I read recently: "What you believe about God is the most important thing about you". We could start with the natural world (creation) and wonder at its complexity, variety and stunning beauty; maybe just watch the wind. We could consider the human body and be amazed at its growth, deveolpment, movement and detail. We could study just one organ of the body and wonder - the eye. We might consider human love, the feeling, the irrespressible power... "I believe in science" others might say. Does that contradict beieving in God, or is science a great unvieling of His wonders? Perhaps we all believe in some kind of god - something that occupies our thoughts, something we give ourselves to\worship - sport, music, entertainment, sex, gaming, work...Then the question becomes not is there a God but what kind of god do you worship...? Then there is The Bible - however you look at it, the most important book in the world. Whole cultures, societies and governments are built upon it. Is it His Book, His Word? And what of Jesus Christ - His teachings, claims and miracles. His death and resurrection witnessed by hundreds? What are we to make of all this...Is there a God? Ask Him and watch what happens...

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