Saturday 3 July 2021

Post Pandemic Stress Disorder...?

Apparently this is a thing: PPSD Post Pandemic Stress Disorder. Those who study these things identify certain common traits that we may be expirencing at this time: struggling to function, concentrate or make decisions; loss of social apetite, anxious, avoidant; just not your old self. My wife calls it feeling wibbly wobbly. "The Pandemic has had an acute impact on the humnan psyche", says psychologist Anna Maxwell writing in The Times, and "the pressures and stress of the last year impact all aspects of our physiology". You may have noticed it in yourself - feeling tense, sensitive, emotionally thin. You may have noticed in your children: not themselves, missing their spark, quieter, low mood, withdrawn... That can be strangely comforting - these wobbly feelings are not just me. We are all Covid depleted. So what be done? How do I escape? Is there a way back to emotional normality? Of course, and this emotional\relational re-set may actually be a good thing. It may also take some time. Do the things that do you good; be with the people that do you good; share your story\feelings to a listening friend, go for that walk that does you good, eat the food that does you good. And for children - be there for them, lower expectations for a while, keep loving, keep encouraging, keep hugging, keep praying. Talk to God about it all, ask Him for help. This morning I read in my Bible about the person who comes to God "goes from strength to strength".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Mark, thoughtful and to the point