Monday 21 June 2021

21st June...this was supposed to be the day...

This was supposed to be the day when all restrictions were lifted in the UK. No more social distancing, no more masks, crowds back, church back, singing back. Alas, no. We have to wait another month. It is disappointing. Lots of things were planned for churches re-opening. We were looking forward to being together; worshipping together; praying together. Oh, how we miss that. More delay...more mask wearing... What then should our attitude be? Well, most of us got up this morning and decided what to wear (some with more thought than others!). I am trying to practice what Isaiah the prophet describes: put on the garment of praise.. I could be annoyed, grumpy, resentful (I do feel those things sometimes), or I can choose to put on the garment of thank God, to praise God and thereby, as the psalmist says enter His courts Let's put on our masks and let's put on the garment of praise.