Thursday 14 January 2021

Make someone's day....

How are your levels during Lockdown 3.0? By that I mean Seratonin and Oxytocin. These are two hormones we might be lacking in at the moment. Oxytocin is sometimes called the hug drug. It is released in tiny but powerful quantinties into the blood stream when we have physical contact. Serotonin meanwhile is sometimes called the happy drug. It is released when we do things we enjoy. Now that we have less contact with people and are not doing the things that make us happy, we might be suffering from serontinin and oxcytocin deficiency. This can result in low mood, anxiety or depression. Doctors may prescribe SSRIs (Selective Seronin Reuptake Inhibitors) - antidepressants. They can help. There are also natural ways of increasing levels of seratonin - doing things that make you happy and lift your mood. Talking to someone, getting outside and going for a walk can help. Let's watch our levels and the levels of others - by making contact with someone today you might lift their mood and make their day.

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