Sunday 25 October 2020

Covid Psychology 2: Resilience

Many of us are feeling a bit flat at the moment. Covid, Lockdown, not seeing and hugging family, the prospect of a long hard winter can be taking its toll. How do we lift our mood? How do we bounce back? Resilience is sometimes referred to as bounce back - the ability to bounce back from adversity. Resilience can also be adapting well and growing from a life-change event. Covid is a life-change event. Real adversity. So how do we grow our resilience to this and other challenges? Let's remind ourselves of some key Resilience Builders: Have good relationships. Sleep well. Limit time on news networks. Exercise. Get outside. Think of others. Have good routine. Set goals. Pray. If you are struggling please speak to someone, phone your doctor or seek professional help - you are not alone!

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