Tuesday 1 October 2019

Book Review: Milkman by Anna Burns

70's Belfast. Violence. Suspicion. Sectarianism. Longing for safety and escape. This is this scene for Anna Burns' novel which won 2018 Man Booker Prize. An unnamed 18 year old woman is ducking and diving, reading and running in this tense, long winded story which could be set in any totalitarian regime where whispers, gossip and who-not-to-trust under oppressive, brutal regimes are the order of every day. The reader never discovers her name, the names of brothers and sisters or "maybe-boyfriend" which deliberating dangles the reader over the world of secrecy and suspicion. Milkman is a creepy, older man who stalks and grooms the central character. In fact, Milkman stalks and unnerves the reader...

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