Tuesday 14 May 2019

100 Romantic ideas...#1 The Weekend Away

This blog series comes at a time when we all see friends' marriages and relationships fraying or failing. Relationships require time and investment. So, let's help each other by thinking of creative ways of putting the Romance back into our marriage and relationships.
100 Romantic ideas #1 The weekend Away.
Let's start BIG.
Every year we have tried to have a w\e away together, even one night. When the children were small too. Ask parents or trusted friends to help you by looking after the children if you can. You might be able to return the favour. Two nights away is best, if you can manage it. It feels more of a proper break. It doesn't have to be expensive and you don't have to go far - within 2 hours of home is ideal. Sites like Booking.com and Airbnb will give you plenty of ideas. If you feel more adventurous others like ba.com have good City Break deals. When we had no money we would borrow a friend's (empty) house for the w\e or save up Tesco Clubcard vouchers. Your marriage, your relationship, your partner is worth the investment.

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