Wednesday 28 November 2018

Avoiding Burnout Part 1 - What are the Signs?

Recently I have been concerned about the number of those around me experiencing Burnout or emotional breakdown. Others have expressed symptoms of anxiety, depression or just not wanting to carry on. Maybe it is an age thing - most of these are in their mid 50s, men and women.
To begin this series on Burnout let us first look at some of warning signs of Burnout:
Feeling overly emotional, lack of concentration, being distracted, loss of appetite, loss of sexual appetite, awake worrying in the night, making excuses, evasive, constant tiredness, irritability, anger,  depression, anxiety, more frequent illness, hurry sickness, feeling depleted...
If you registered 5 or more of the above, then watch out, your body could be telling you something. But it is not too late to make necessary adjustments.
For more on Burnout see Psychology Today:

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