Tuesday 27 February 2018

My new role - Chair of Christians Together in Newbury

As of Sunday, I have a new role - Chair of CTNA - Christians Together in Newbury Area (whilst still leading Bridge Church). There is good relationship between the churches in Newbury and many fine initiatives: Street Pastors, Food Bank, Loose Ends, Bus of Hope, COINS working in schools, YMCA, Town Chaplains and many others. Every month the church leaders get together for lunch and to pray. I agreed to be chair on the understanding that I would have a good vice-chair in Will Hunter-Smart Rector of St Nics, plus a good administrator in Marina Abraham. They will make up for my many deficiencies! Exciting days ahead...

1 comment:

kitesabbeymum said...

Yay! You will do a great job. CTNA is such a strong witness to the people of Newbury, many of whom feel Christians are divided into 'sects' and find it hard to understand why we worship in our individual ways.
Let's do everything we can, as Christians together, rather than individually.