Tuesday 9 February 2016

Diary of a Church Planter One Year on - when people leave.

One year on, I think I have a reasonable idea of who the core group of the new church are. To be honest, there has been quite a lot of coming and going during the first year. Several people stayed for some months, you build relationship, share lives, get to like them, see the potential, then... they leave. Ouch. It is painful. Some have left for other (larger) churches, others now go no-where. I am still learning to release people to God's grace, to pray blessing upon them and hope they find the right place in God for them. I am quite sure, this year too, some will come and some will go...hopefully more of the former!

1 comment:

kitesabbeymum said...

Don't be discouraged. It takes emotional as well as physical energy to build friendship and you have both spent bucket loads over the last year. But none of it is wasted, however it may seem. In God's economy just as in the physical world energy can neither be created or destroyed. He will supply all our needs.

Oh my! am I preaching to the preacher?