Thursday, 10 September 2015

Diary of a Church Planter 9 months on -The Revolving Door.

So we have gathered a good group of different people in Newbury.  Different ages and ethnic backgrounds. A few have come to faith in Christ. 5 have been baptised. Several have moved house to Newbury to be part of the new church. (Amazing!) Lots of people are enthusiastic and helping everywhere. Westpoint was great. We are in our 4th Sunday venue to make more room. God has been kind to us. We also have an active revolving door - people coming and people going. Some coming to have a look...some staying. A few have left over the summer (ouch). As long as we talk about those things, leave well and find another church to call home we will all be OK...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Praying for you - that God will strengthen the church through the comings and goings. Steve Woodbridge