Saturday, 19 May 2012

"My ways are not your ways..."

I have returned from 2 1\2 days away with Nigel, Peter and Andrew. Each year we have a retreat to pray, review the year and plan ahead. As ever, I had a long list of things to discuss and a 3-5 year strategy to unroll. Before going away Sarah Cooper gave us a scripture to consider - Isaiah 55. It is well worth a read and some meditation. She felt it would be significant. How right she was. It seemed that each day God would highlight a verse or 2 to us and challenge us. What took me most by surprise however was that we did little of my 3-5 year plan and addressed few of the items on my list. What God spoke to us instead was about ourselves - Him doing a new work in us - I especially found the Holy Spirit working powerfully and deeply in me. So what I thought would happen did not. I did not get my way. But then again the Isaiah 55 passage does say "My ways are not your ways...". We have decided, in light of the unexpected events, to have a church Family Night next Sunday 27th May to share more of what God said. Not my ways...His ways.

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