Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Enjoyed Salmon Fishing in the Yeman

I dont fish. I am not a fisherman. I can't sit still for long, but I did enjoy going to see the film Salmon Fishing in the Yeman. If you are an angler you will love it. Even if you are not an angler, like me, this film is good fun. Emily Blunt is easy on the eye, Ewan McGregor does not wear a jedi cloak - which is tricky at first and the script (partly from the book) is great. Very funny. Apart from learning a lot about fishing it seems to me the other lessons from the film include: communicate fully with your partner. Fred (Ewan McGregor) and Mary did not and drifted apart - another marriage break-up. Secondly communicate your vision clearly to all those involved. The wealthy sheik, it seems, whilst good at casting did not cast his vision to all those it would affect and thus created enemies. Apart from that the film also gives some great and refreshing insights into understanding Aspergers Syndrome - very helpful when living with it every day.

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