Monday, 26 December 2011

Great Christmas

We had a great Christmas Day which started with a fun time at church. Lots of people have asked me about the Bethlehem Rhapsody video I showed and where they can find it. You can either tap in Bethlehem Rhapsody on youtube or click on the link:
As for "the second best nativity video" I mentioned and also requested - that is the NZ Children's Nativity _ either tap in Christmas Story NZ or click on this link:
Both are good fun.
Lunch time was a full-on LS Christmas dinner cooked by Joseph for the 7 of us (including Luki), watch The Queen (who talked about the importance of family and a Saviour!), open presents, then over to Luki's parents for the games evening. Even back in time for Downton Abbey! Great day.

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