Monday, 29 November 2010

Christmas shopping dilemma

I have been Christmas shopping today - in the shops. I also do some shopping online. Each year for several years, like many others, I have shopped online with Amazon. I even have a wishlist on my Amazon page which friends and relatives occasionally use to buy me presents. This year however I have a dilemma - should I continue to shop at Amazon or should I join the growing international boycott of the online retailer?

The furore relates to Amazon selling a controversial book earlier in November - "The Pedophile's Guide to Love and Pleasure," - and then issuing a press statement in defence of their sales of the book:
"Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable".
Objectionable is the word.
Is it not objectionable that Amazon should sell such a book?
Is it not objectionable that they should then issue a statement defending their stance.
Does this mean that Amazon will, in real terms, sell any book, despite their own apparent guidelines?
Does this mean Amazon upholds its view on censorship whatever the material?
Should we, as responsible consumers, continue then to provide Amazon with our custom?

Christmas shopping is challenging enough without these moral dilemmas!

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