Monday 6 April 2009

Approaching the Gift Day

Approaching the Gift Day

As we head towards The Beacon Gift Day on Sunday April 26th it may help if I share a few thoughts:

We will need about £1m for the new Beacon Centre, the building of which should commence in August 09 and last for nearly a year.

I expect us to make a considerable dent in £1m on 26th April. I am not expecting us the raise the full amount at once. I expect we will have other gift days during the course of the year. I would much rather pay for the building outright than take out a large mortgage.

When considering giving think not so much of giving to a building but giving to the mission. The building is a tool for us to fulfil our mission of helping people be Passionate about Christ, Compassionate towards others and engaged in Mission. A new building facilitates mission in that we are able to do all that we do bigger and better.

The new Beacon Centre will serve not just the Old Dean but Surrey Heath and beyond. Many of the existing ministries held at The Beacon draw people from beyond the Old Dean. I would expect that to increase.
Finally, let’s come prayerfully to the Gift Day. Ask God how much you should give. I would rather you did not go into debt to give as I would rather you did not give by credit card. Apart from that, let’s join together in the exciting adventure of giving.

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