Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Current Trends and implications for how we run churches

I am trying to figure out how current trends affect how we run churches...

  • Most people date online so pastorally, should we encourage church folk to do the same?
  • Most relationships end by a text - how do we encourage honest, face to face conversation?
  • Consumers like good coffee not in a single use cup - should we encourage church folk to bring their own cup and should we serve good coffee?
  • In caring for the environment should we encourage church goers to car share?
  • In a digital\visual age how do we create first rate visuals for Sunday morning and what is the best online presence of church?
  • What percentage of the church budget should go to media?
  • In order to appeal to Millenials, what is the optimum length of a Sunday message?
  • How welcoming is church to the LGBT+ community?
  • What would Jesus say about your church?

Just thinking...


kitesabbeymum said...

Some interesting thoughts. In the matter of Millenials, I think the quality of the coffee and not serving in disposable cups is probably more important than the length of the message.
Millenials are also interested in whether a church faces outward. Is it responding to the needs of the community?

Diana said...

I met my husband on line. God is more than capable of bringing people together than way.